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Tips To Avoid Gaining Weight In College


When you’re busy balancing college life, your body often pays the price. Here are some simple fitness tips to keep your weight in check.

If your are in college or planning to go to college, mostly it is challenging if you are trying to maintain or lose weight. The unexpected and unwanted weight gain mostly happens for many college students because of a standard college diet of fast foods becomes a reality.

The only way to avoid weight gain is is to find ways to stay active, reduce stress and stay on track with a healthy eating plan. Here are tips to help you squeeze in daily activities and avoid gaining weight.

8 Tips to manage your weight in college.

1. Start walking:

Walking can help you burn calories, improve muscle tone and reduce stress. Using a simple pedometer that clips to your waistband are a great way to monitor your daily walking activity. A healthy goal to try and reach is 10,000 steps per day.

2. Build up your pace:

As you add regular walks to your day, slowly increase your duration until 30 minutes feels comfortable. Then increase your intensity level by walking faster. Start including varied terrains, such as hills, and then progress to a jogging or running pace.

3. Climb stairs:

Climbing stairs is great for improving your cardiovascular fitness level. Plus, it works all of the muscles in the back of the legs and butt. If you can’t find a good set of stairs to climb, do step-ups instead. Aim to do the equivalent of 50 stairs per day.

4. Lunchtime catch-up:

It’s much easier to complete a training program when you have a partner who is doing it with you. Invite a friend or family member to exercise with you during your lunch break or any free time you may have between classes. It’s a great way to catch up while doing your body some good.

5. Find a fitness deal:

Many colleges have recreational sports leagues and offer discounted gym memberships or fitness classes. Also, look online for a program that allows you to try out lots of local or virtual fitness classes at a discounted price.

6. Learn a few moves:

Perform body weight resistance exercises, such as simple squats, lunges and push-ups in your dorm or wherever you live. When you’re ready, you can progress to using weights. If you know how to do the basics, any time you have just a few minutes to spare, you can maximize your time by getting stronger with simple exercises. There are lots of exercise routines that you can do for free online when you have a little more time to spend.

8. Snack well:

F1 Express Protein Bar

Don’t fall into the bad habit of grabbing unhealthy snacks on the go. Instead, be prepared and carry healthy treats in your bag. Try to find snacks that are high in protein, as they will help you to stay fuller for longer. Avoid empty calories and opt for nutrient-dense foods that are essential when you’re stressed and busy. Snacks good for weight loss and maintenance include popcorn, peanuts, fruits, raw vegetables, almonds and whole-grain bread/buns. Here are Herbalife healthy and delicious snacks to get as well; Formula 1 Express Bar, Gourmet Tomato Soup (21 Servings), and Protein Bar.

9. Stay hydrated:

When your body is well hydrated, you may hold on to less water weight. I also find that when I’m drinking fluids throughout the day, I’m less likely to snack. Quite often we mistake thirst with hunger. Aim to drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses per day and even more if it’s hot or if you’re exercising. Supplements to keep your body hydrated are; Hydrate Orange, Herbal Aloe Concentrate (Mango Flavored) 473ml, Herbal Aloe Concentrate (Original) 473 mL, and CR7 Drive Canister.

10. Get enough sleep.

Sleeping Couple

Unfortunately, sleep won’t directly make you lose weight, but it can help you keep it under control by regulating the hormones that affect your appetite and reducing your cravings for high-calorie foods.

11. Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol can cause weight gain in four ways:

  • it stops your body from burning fat,
  • it’s high in kilojoules,
  • it can make you feel hungry, and
  • it can lead to poor food choices.

So avoid alcohol at college to avoid weight gain.

According to Harvard University research, alcohol contributes to weight gain.

11. Have your breakfast every day.

Breakfast Kit

Skipping or eating a breakfast that lacks nutrients can make you more likely to reach for unhealthy, high-kilojoule foods later on (unhealthy snacking). In fact, research shows that individuals who consume a good quality breakfast tend to have a healthier daily food pattern than those who don’t. Check the benefits of eating breakfast.

12. Include vegetables in every meal.

Vegetables and fruits have a lot of fiber and are full of nutrition like essential minerals and vitamins that may help your body improve metabolism and subsequently burn belly fat. Including these in your diet may help you not just in maintaining your weight or weight loss goals, but also to live a long and healthy life.


Supplements that can help you stay hydrated are Aloe Drink and CR7.

Healthy snacks include popcorn, peanuts, and fruits.

Nutritious and healthy snacks available on sale are H24 Achieve Protein Bars and many other healthy snacks here. Order yours now.

Protein Chips

If you stick to a healthy routine and squeeze in my tips, you’ll sail through the busy college season with your body composition intact!

Thank you, Kelvin, Nutritionist and Fitness Coach, Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle.

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