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Safe Exercise Guidelines

Cycling activity

When people start a new exercise program, they frequently overwork their bodies and put themselves in danger of injury. The widely held belief that exercise must be extremely difficult or painful in order to be effective is just incorrect. The key to safe exercise is in moderation. Exercise regimens that are safe begin gently and progressively increase in intensity, frequency, and length.

Furthermore, if you have a pre-existing health condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of heart disease, or are a smoker, you should see your doctor before engaging in any strenuous physical exercise.

Here are the precautions to consider before, during, and after physical activity:

Lady Exercising

A. Exercise Guidelines

  1. Avoid being sedentary.
  2. Do at least two hours of moderate-intensity and one hour of high-intensity workout per week.
  3. Do strength training to prevent muscle loss and strengthen your bones.
  4. Play outdoor sports, swim, dance, walk or run.
  5. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around every hour. Or get a standing work desk.
  6. Treat exercise as an enjoyable activity and not a punishment.
  7. If you are a beginner or are getting back to physical activity after a break, here are a few things to remember.

B. Things To Remember

  1. Talk to your doctor before doing high-intensity and resistance training.
  2. Get a personal trainer if you are a beginner to prevent injuries.
  3. Wear comfortable clothes and proper shoes.
  4. Consume a pre-workout meal at least 45-60 minutes before your workout.
  5. Consume carbs post-workout within the two-hour window.
  6. Have protein-rich meals.
  7. Do fewer reps but focus on precision.
  8. Increase the sets and reps gradually.
  9. Do not lift heavy weights right on the first day.
  10. Keep going.
  11. There are certain conditions where you must take your doctor’s opinion before you start exercising. Find them listed below.

D. See Your Doctor

Patient Consulting With A Doctor
  1. If moderate physical activity is causing chest pain
  2. If you go out of breath too soon
  3. If you have heart or lung issues
  4. If you are over 45 years of age
  5. If you feel dizzy
  6. If you are pregnant
  7. There you have it – all the benefits of exercise, guidelines, what to do, and what to avoid. Start being active, and you will soon realize that you are feeling physically and mentally better than ever before. I say this based on firsthand experience. Being active will become your daily routine, and you will love it more than anything else. So, go ahead and smack it! Cheers!


Please check:

  1. Easy Way To Lose Weight
  2. 7 Benefits Of maintaining A Healthy Weight For Women
  3. 14 Benefits of Strength Training
  4. 20 Benefits Of Fitness
  5. Active Lifestyle.

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