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Nutrition Programs

Lifestyle Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition offers a personalized approach to daily nutrition. Learn about our products, success stories, reviews, business model, and more.

Sports Nutrition

Train like an athlete. Take your fitness, performance, and recovery to the next level with Herbalife24®. Our 24-hour sports line is used by more than 190 sporting teams, athletes, and events around the world to help them perform at their best.


The Herbalife detox combos are cleansing programs that are designed to help reduce the build-up of toxins and debris in your intestinal tract.

Digestive Cleanse

The Herbalife digestive combos are cleansing programs that are designed to help reduce the build-up of toxins and debris in your intestinal tract.

Weight Management

Our products are designed to enhance your weight-management efforts and support the benefits of balanced nutrition at home or on the go.

Build Muscle

The Herbalife Nutrition ‘build muscle programs’ assist in gaining weight and building muscle in a healthy manner.

Skincare Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition offers a personalized approach to daily nutrition. Learn about our products, success stories, reviews, business model, and more.

Immune Boosting

The Herbalife detox combos are cleansing programs that are designed to help reduce the build-up of toxins and debris in your intestinal tract.

Healthy Aging

It’s never too early to start focusing on healthy aging. Our Healthy Aging products are designed to help you look and feel great no matter your age.

Hair Growth and Strengthening

Herbalife Nutrition offers a personalized approach to daily nutrition. Learn about our products, success stories, reviews, business model, and more.

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